Arranging an Alumni Campaign to Encourage All Former Children and Parents to Identify Themselves

Get a Chance to Rejoice Yourself Reconnecting with alumni
In 1991, Cameron and Willacy County committed to open a window of opportunity for at risk children -NINOS Inc. Head Start. In the 25 years since, nearly 50 thousand children have attended NINOS Inc. Head Start.
Head Start alumni have gone on to become business owners and artists, musicians and doctors, teachers, Members of Congress, and exceptional parents to their own children. Those who have been touched by this program know the reality of how a Head Start in life leads to success.
If you are an alum or your child attended Head Start, join our campaign to encourage all former NINOS Inc. Head Start children and parents to identify themselves.
We will keep you informed about what we are doing to keep the Head Start window of opportunity open, and you will hear about many ways to get involved.
"Window of Opportunity"
We will keep you informed about what we are doing to keep the Head Start window of opportunity, open and you will hear about many ways to get involved.

If you are an alum or your child attended Head Start, join our campaign to encourage all former NINOS Inc. Head Start children and parents to identify themselves.